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25 Fun Baby Shower Games & Ideas

Having a baby is an exciting time and there are going to be plenty of people who are likely to want to share in that excitement with you. Why not...

Having a baby is an exciting time and there are going to be plenty of people who are likely to want to share in that excitement with you. Why not embrace this shared excitement and organise a baby shower?

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Baby shower games are not only ideal to make sure that everyone has fun, but they also break the ice with large groups too. This is perfect if you are worried that no-one knows anyone or if you are concerned that things could be a little on the awkward side.

Worried that you won’t know what kind of games to play at the baby shower that you are organising? Well, the good news is that we are here to help make sure that you have the best party ever!

We cover baby shower games which are modern, we cover baby shower games which are free and can be printed out, we even cover baby shower ideas which are entirely inappropriate!


Modern Baby Shower Games

Whether you are having a boy or a girl baby, there are plenty of activities that you can include in your baby shower, particularly if you are more than happy to get thinking and get creative.

Over the years there are more and more baby shower games being introduced, so, why not take a look at some of the most modern baby shower games out there?

Find the Guest

If you have a baby shower that is packed full of people who don’t know each other particularly well, then you are going to need to find a way to get them talking. The Find the Guest game is ideal for this.

It makes people get up and get talking to one another and also allows them to learn more about each other too. In order to play this game you need to have a list of certain attributes that you are looking for, this could be who is wearing contact lenses, or who has a dog or a cat. The more interesting and unique you make these points, the more fun the game is likely to be.


A popular baby themed game that is popping up a baby showers is Jeopardy. Based on the hit gameshow, you will need to answer questions on set categories and then earn points for these categories.

You will need to decide on the questions as well as their categories. You will also need to make a board, which means that this game will take lots of effort to put together.

What will baby look like?

To play this game you need to have lots of photos of the happy couple. Preferably them as babies. You will then need to cut up the photo so that the features can be put together.

Your guests will need to put those features together and create their very own baby themed mug-shot. Of course, no-one will be able to say what the baby is going to look like until they arrive, but it is great fun playing this in the meantime.

Pass the Gift

Another great game to play at a baby shower is Pass the Gift. In order to play this you will need a prize and you also need to have a rhyme which gives instructions on how to move it around as well as who to pass it to.

It is not as easy as a simple pass the parcel game, there are rules to follow, however, it will get people talking and getting to know one another. It could be finding out someone who has contact lenses in, or it could be passing it to someone who has the longest hair.


Inappropriate Baby Shower Games

Depending on who is coming to your baby shower; you may find that games that are funny and a little bit different are going to be well received.

There are some people pleasing baby shower games out there that you can play; but there are also those that are a little more risqué.

If you feel that you can try out some inappropriate baby shower games, then here are some of the other games that you can play.

Nappy Game

One of the most popular games (although we are not sure anyone really enjoys it) that can be played at a baby shower is known as the nappy game. As the name suggests, it involves nappies and lots of melted food. You take the nappy and open it up, smearing your chosen food onto the nappy.

You then need to encourage the other guests to sniff and lick the food and write down what they think it is. With this game it is definitely the case that the worse the food looks then the more fun you can have with it!

Just remember to pick foods that are really need to be smelt and tasted to be identified, else you could find that some of the guests are going to cheat and guess without really getting involved.

We love the idea of being able to leave a message of support to the parents to be, so, what better thing to write on than a nappy? Not only is this great fun (and open to some rather creative messages about poop if we are honest) but it is also going to make sure that mum and dad will smile when they are tackling one of the dirtiest parts of being a parent.


Old Style Games

If you like the idea of playing pin the tail, but want to give it a slightly more grown up spin, then you might want to try something like pin the sperm on the uterus. This is a silly take on the popular kids game and means that you need to not only cut out the uterus shape, but also the little sperm too!

One last game that is great fun for any baby shower is Playdoh babies! You will all get some playdoh and it is down to you to make your own take on a teeny tiny baby. You will be surprised by just how creative some of the guest will be, as well as how terrifying a playdoh baby can actually look!


Amazon Baby Shower Games

Amazon seems to be the most useful way to buy a variety of things. This is no different when it comes to organising a baby shower.

There is a wealth of different  games available, you just need to search for them and you will soon find exactly what you are looking for.

There is a Pin the Dummy on the Baby, which is a fun take on the classic Donkey themed party game. The good thing about this particular game is that it is not only simple, but it is also suitable for up to 35 players, which means that you don’t have to worry about there being too many people to play it all at once.

If you want to have a pack of games, all ready to play, then there is also a Baby Shower Games Pack, which has 5 different games in one pack, all playable by up to 10 players. Charades is something that you can expect to see at any good party, so, why not treat your baby shower guests to a themed game of charades? With a variety of cards all featuring actions that relate to pregnancy or having a baby, this is not only simple, but it is a great game to play too!

It isn’t strictly a game, but if you want to make sure that the parents to be get all the well-wishes for their journey into parenthood, then you could also buy a 30 pack of advice cards, these can be filled out during the baby shower and even come with a little canvas bag which will help the parents to keep them safe.


Free Printable Baby Shower Games

It can be expensive to put together a baby shower. So, if you want to make sure that everyone has a great time, but that you keep the costs down, then you will be pleased to know that there are ways that you can save money.

It can be boring watching someone opening presents, even if you are really happy for them. So, why not try out a baby shower bingo game? Give everyone a sheet packed full of different presents and each time that present is opened, they can tick off their box. Whoever gets them all can shout bingo and then win a prize!

If you want to play a guessing game, then what could be better than guess the baby? You could ask everyone who is at the baby shower to send you a photo of them as a baby and then you could put them all together and get the other guests to guess who they think that the image is of! This is definitely a game that is going to make everyone smile.

There are so many candies and sweet treats out there, that you can actually create a word game for a baby shower around baby terms and sweets. The Candy Bar game can be tricky, so it is going to be a good idea to offer up as a game that can be worked on in pairs.

Chances are that every guest at the baby shower is going to know the mum to be pretty well. So, it makes since that one of the games you play includes questions on her. Ask her the answers to a variety of questions and then set those questions to the guests. You may be surprised by just who knows the most about her.

Finally, another printable game for a baby shower is what am I? You can have a variety of clues which should help the guests to identify a common item that you may need to use with a baby. You can either get people to play this alone, or, if you prefer, you could pit two teams against one another! 


Baby Shower Prizes

Not only is it incredibly important to make sure that you have some great games at your baby shower, but you also need to make sure that you have some decent prizes too. You can find plenty of baby shower gifts out there and one great place to buy them online has to be Amazon.

We like the idea of baby shower candles to the prize winners, these are not only something that they can use time and time again, but they can also be inexpensive too.

Another great thing to make the prize for a baby shower is a good quality mug or tea cup. You could personalise this to match in with the baby shower date or perhaps just baby themed, but if you prefer, you can make it something that is stylish and will want to be used again.


If you really wanted to push the boat out and make the prizes something that people really want to win. Then a great idea is to put together a basket of treats to take away.

This is ideal if you are only planning on having one or two games during the baby shower and will really make sure that all of the guests get involved with playing. The best thing to fill the baskets with is bubble bath, bath bombs, creams and perhaps even hot chocolate.

As you can see, when it comes to planning a baby shower, whether you are planning for yourself, for a friend, for a sister or for anyone else, there is plenty to think about. There are games to plan, prizes to buy and of course food and drink to organise too.

The thing to remember though, especially if you are struggling with time to set up a baby shower, is that it is all going to be worth it in the end. Not only does it mean that the mum to be is going to be spoilt rotten and get a whole variety of gifts.

But it is also a chance for all those people who mean the most to the woman to come together and celebrate just how much they love her and how special she is to them.


There really is nothing better than knowing that you have a whole lot of people around you when you are about to embark on one of the scariest times in your life.

Which is why a baby shower is always something that is worthwhile organising and why they will be something that the mum to be will remember for many years to come.

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