Pregnancy can be a very exciting time, but in equal measure, you may feel uncomfortable sometimes. Even in the early days of pregnancy, some women can find that they struggle with stomach pains as a result of a growing belly.
Unfortunately, as your belly continues to grow during your pregnancy so too will your discomfort – this is one of those things that many women do not talk about, but it happens to everyone. As your belly gets heavier you might find that you can feel every pull and twinge from the extra weight and may need extra support.
A pregnancy support belt, sometimes referred to as a maternity belt, can be a good investment, and one that you may want to make early on in your pregnancy.
Are Pregnancy Support Belts Safe?
Belts for pregnant women are safe to wear during your pregnancy and are often recommended by healthcare professionals. It is, however, important to choose the most appropriate size and follow any wearing instructions carefully.
A pregnancy support belt is a wide belt that can work to support your belly comfortably helping to lift it slightly and support some of that extra weight making it more comfortable, it will also help to alleviate some of the back pain that can be associated with carrying the extra weight of a pregnancy as well.
A good maternity support belt will be adjustable and have plenty of stretch. They are a great choice for plus size women as well and can really help to prolong the lifespan of your clothing, such as jeans, during your pregnancy
Why Choose a 3 in 1 Belt?
The 3 in 1 pregnancy support belt is the most recommended pregnancy support belt that will cover a wide variety of options during the term of your pregnancy and beyond.
The 3 in 1 style of belt can be worn during your pregnancy where it can assist you in reducing pain in your pelvic and lower back. It can also help to keep diastasis (the separation of abdominal muscles) as small as possible whilst your belly grows – this is especially important if you are carrying multiples.
It can be used following a c-section, where it can help with post-op recover and in the case of a vaginal delivery is can be used to help with postpartum healing.
Recommended by the NHS UK
Doctors and midwives suggest that wearing a pregnancy belt can provide the wearer with relief from pain and fatigue. In fact, if you are struggling with the weight of your growing belly, your midwife will probably suggest that you invest in a pregnancy belt as soon as possible.
Pregnancy support belts can help with the following symptoms:
- Back pain – especially lower back
- Pelvic and hip pain
- Pain in the ligaments
- Muscle strain
- Abdominal separation (diastasis)
Pregnancy Support Belt for Back Pain
As your pregnancy progresses and the weight of your belly increases it can cause issues with your posture as you learn to accommodate the extra weight that you are carrying. This is particularly common during the final trimester of pregnancy when the ligaments in your lower back become relaxed.
A pregnancy support belt will help to support the weight of your belly which in turn will reduce the pull that you will feel in your lower back.
Pelvic and Hip Support Belt Pregnancy
Unfortunately, for many women pregnancy can cause them to develop pelvis pain and this can be quite debilitating. You might hear this referred to as pregnancy-related pelvic girdle pain (PGP) or symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD). This is a collection of symptoms that can be very uncomfortable and can be caused due to stiffness in the pelvic joints or as a result of the joints at the back of the front or back of the pelvis moving unevenly.
Sacroiliac joint pain is one of the more common issues for women during pregnancy – SI joint pain is the pain which can be mostly commonly felt in the area of the back of the pelvis, the hips and in some cases down the legs.
A pregnancy support belt can be very beneficial in this instance. It can offer extra support around the lower back and hip region by holding your growing bump more securely and alleviating the pressure on these areas caused by the extra weight.
Other Pain
When it comes to other pains that can be experienced during pregnancy such as muscle strain caused by the extra weight of your stomach - and this is especially true for those women carrying multiples - extra support can be vital.
Pregnancy support belts do not hold your stomach in but rather up, which helps with the pain caused by the extra weight and gravity causing your belly to drop. Ligament strain is not pleasant but can be made bearable with the right support.
How Do I Wear a Pregnancy Support Belt?
A pregnancy support belt can be worn under or over your clothing, it is entirely a matter for personal preference. Many women prefer to wear them under their clothes earlier on in their pregnancy when they are perhaps not letting everyone know they are expecting a baby.
However, as the pregnancy progresses, they often choose instead to wear them over clothing. It is often a case of seeing which method works best for you. Whatever way you do decide to wear your pregnancy support belt it is important to make sure that you only wear it for a few hours at a time.
It is better to only wear your support belt for two to three hours at a time. This is not because it could be damaging to your baby but rather because it could cause issues for you. If you wear one for too long there is a chance that you could end up weakening the muscles in your lower body because you have done too much stretching.
Plan Ahead
A 3-in-1 pregnancy support belt is a great option that will grow with you through your pregnancy. It is perfect for use in all three trimesters of pregnancy due to its adjustable nature. It can also be worn post-partum, regardless of the type of birth that you have had. It is a good idea to check with your health professionals before you do begin to wear your belt again.
When you are postpartum, a pregnancy support belt can still offer vital support to the hips and pelvic region, which can be very important for those women who struggled with PGP or SPD as unfortunately these conditions can both linger after birth and take some time to recover from.
How Can a Post Pregnancy Belt Help Me?
Support belts can be worn to help with postpartum healing after normal delivery, and they are completely safe to use. Some women pack them in their hospital bags and wear them quite quickly after the birth, while others may prefer to wait a while. This is a completely individual choice and depends on the individual and their level of discomfort following the birth.
An after pregnancy belt, sometimes referred to as a tummy tucker, can help by supporting the abdominal wall, the spine, pelvis and internal organs following birth. For those women who are struggling with diastasis recti, supporting the belly in this way can help to speed up the time it takes for the post-baby stomach to return to a less swollen state.
Support belts can be worn to aid with recovery from a c-section. In fact, medical studies have indicated that binding the stomach following a caesarean can not only significantly help to reduce pain but can also help to make the wound more stable and can help to make walking around easier.
Postpartum Healing
When it comes to postpartum healing a pregnancy support belt can have some real benefits. They can help by supporting the abdominal wall, the spine, pelvis and internal organs following birth.
For those women who are struggling with diastasis recti this can be really important.
Pregnancy support belts worn postpartum can help to reduce tummy size to that of pre-pregnancy weight. They can flatten stomach muscles in the days following the birth, giving the appearance of reduced belly fat and help with skin tightening. Supporting the belly in this way can help to speed up the time it takes for the post-baby stomach to return to a less swollen state.
Many women start to wear their pregnancy support belt in the first 48 hours after the birth of their baby. However, it is a good idea to check with your health professional before doing this. If you have had a c-section it is important to wait until your midwife or GP gives you the all-clear to wear your support belt again.
Where Can I Buy A Pregnancy Support Belt?
Pregnancy support belts can be purchased from a variety of different sources. If you have a maternity clothing store nearby then you should find that they carry a range of belts for you to choose from.
You will also find a good selections of maternity support belts in Boots stores, Argos, and, if you are having trouble getting to a physical store, you will also find them on Amazon.