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Can I Eat Goats Cheese During Pregnancy?

Cheese is a delicacy everyone loves to indulge in, some more than others, this won't stop just because you're pregnant. But, before you tuck into that big block of yellow...

Cheese is a delicacy everyone loves to indulge in, some more than others, this won't stop just because you're pregnant. But, before you tuck into that big block of yellow goodness, read below and find if this is safe or not. 

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Is Cheese Safe During Pregnancy?

Whilst cheese can be seen as harmless to any normal person, whilst you're a walking, talking mobile home for your little one, cheese is something you really should be careful when eating. Many types of cheese can be unsafe to eat when you're pregnant as they can grow bacteria such as Listeria, which can be harmful to your unborn baby. You need to know what makes a type of cheese safe to eat, and which to stay away from for a good 9 months. Our number one rule is to stay well away from soft cheese, the texture is key. If the cheese is hard, it's safe to eat whilst pregnant. 

What Cheese Is Safe to Eat Whilst Pregnant?

Cheese is everywhere and can be hard to avoid, especially when you're trying your hardest to do so. We have made it simple for you and made a list of cheese' which are safe to consume when carrying your little one. Safe cheese' consist of:

  • Cheddar, 
  • Cheshire, 
  • Double gloucester, 
  • Edam, 
  • Provolone, 
  • Red leicester, 
  • Parmesan, 
  • Orkney, 
  • Lancashire, 
  • English goat's cheddar, 
  • Derby, 
  • Hard pecorino, 
  • Manchego, 
  • Jarlsberg, 
  • Havarti, 
  • Gruyere, 
  • Emmental, 
  • Gouda


What Cheese Should I Avoid Whilst Pregnant?

Nine months to avoid the cheese' listed below, can't be that hard can it? We'll let you be the judge of that. Any cheese below has been seen as unsafe for a pregnant woman and her unborn baby. 

  • Brie, 
  • Camembert (unless thoroughly cooked through), 
  • Blue brie, 
  • Cambozola, 
  • Taleggio, 
  • Goat's cheese (with white rind), 
  • Torta del cesar, 
  • Bergader, 
  • Blue wensleydale, 
  • Roncal, 
  • Tomme. 

Any soft, mould-ripened cheeses are NOT safe during pregnancy and should not be consumed during the pregnancy. The same goes to any soft, blue-veined cheeses and any soft, unpasteurised cheese. All of these have higher chances of growing bacteria, such as Listeria. Listeria Monocytogenes, otherwise known as Listeria, is a bacteria which is found in water and soil. This can be found in uncooked vegetables, cheese, uncooked meats and unpasteurised milk. If you digest Listeria, you have very high chances of developing Listeriosis. Although this is very rare, your chances are doubled when pregnant. 


What Is Listeriosis?

Listeriosis is picked up from eating foods that have grown bacteria known as Listeria. It can take anywhere between 2 to 30 days to start experiencing symptoms of the infection. These include:

  • Vomiting, 
  • Nausea, 
  • Headaches, 
  • Fever, ,
  • Muscle aches, 
  • Light headed feelings, 
  • Feeling lethargic, 
  • Mild flu-like symptoms. 

There is a chance, if left unnoticed, the infection can spread to the nervous system and it can cause you to have stiffness of the neck, feel disorientated or experience convulsions but this is most common during the last stretch of the pregnancy as your immune system is slightly less active. If you find yourself experiencing any of the above symptoms, do seek medical advice.

And I don't mean putting your trust in Google and thinking you have 2 months to live. Go and speak to your health care provider, you will most likely be sent for a blood test as this is the easiest method of testing for the infection. If confirmed you do have listeriosis, you will be prescribed with antibiotics. These will prevent infection to your little one. 

Does Listeriosis Affect My Baby?

Whilst the infection is in your body and during pregnancy you and your baby share absolutely everything, you will also share the infection. If Listeriosis is left untreated your pregnancy could be ended shortly by causing premature labour, miscarriage or the loss of your baby at birth. This, I must reassure you, is only in very severe cases and this infection is so very rare that you mustn't worry all that much if you ate a crumb of cheese which is deemed unsafe. 


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