Pregnancy FAQ's

How to Avoid Stretch Marks During Pregnancy?
As you become a home for a growing human, you're bound to expand and your skin is going to have to stretch, that is a given. You may develop stretch...

Should I Buy Maternity Clothes?
Are you approaching 20 weeks and finding your jeans are a little too snug? Do you think it's about time to invest in maternity jeans? Perhaps not, we have some...

Why Am I Feeling Cold During My Pregnancy?
Fire on. Fluffy jumpers on. Blankets and throws galore. You would think it is winter by just those three statements, but no, it's pregnancy. Many women experience extreme coldness during...

Can I Dye My Hair Whilst Pregnant?
We all like a little freshen up every now and again, some of us love a brand new style but when pregnant it is questionable if this is safe for...

What Baby Monitor Is Best to Use With A Newborn?
Life with a newborn can be difficult and you may feel like you need eyes in the back of your head. What if we said you could have just that?...

How Do I Know If I Have Gestational Diabetes?
Gestational Diabetes can be a stressful time for everyone, especially when you're left wondering why you have ended up having to make changes to your diet, exercise and daily routine. ...

Is Chickenpox Dangerous During Pregnancy?
It's normal to worry about every small infection, virus or even just someone sneezing near you when you're pregnant, and rightly so. Are you worried you've picked up chickenpox? We...

When Do I Need to Tell My Employer I'm Pregnant?
So, you've broken the news to your loved ones, friends and everyone on Facebook and you're still shying away from the idea of telling your employer. This may sound daunting...